!±8±Nature BabyCare Eco-friendly, Chlorine Free Diapers, Size 2 (12-18 Lbs), 160 Diapers
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Post Date : Aug 09, 2011 16:05:37
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
It took a Swedish mother of two boys to learn that every year of a baby's life resulted in a mountain of used diapers weighing half a ton, every year. Half a ton! Couldn't this be done better?"After many yars of intense work and development the result is THE FIRST Eco-Friendly, high performance diaper based on "green" technology. Our ECO-friendly diapers perform as well as the best "traditional" diaper, yet are better for your baby and the environment. Marlene Sandberg, the creator of Nature Babycare said it best; "I don't believe in compromises or shortcuts."